
How do I move my software license to a different or new container?
Need help moving your software license to a different or new computer? Visit the link below for step-by-step instructions! How to Move your Software License If you do not find the page above helpful, call WestHort for further assistance.
BarTender - Moving Your Software License To a New Computera
Need help moving your software license to a different or new computer? Visit the link below for step-by-step instructions! How to Move your Software License If you do not find the page above helpful, call WestHort for further assistance.
Epson GP-C831 — Creating a Template in BarTender
<p>Here is the link taking you to the full PDF file with all the informaiton. Copy and paste this into a new tab.</p><p><span style="font-size: x-small;">
Epson GP-C831 — Creating a Template in Nicelabel
Here is the link taking you to the PDF for all the information! Copy and past this link in a new tab!
NiceLabel Printer Settings for Toshiba Printer
Here is the link taking you to the PDF for all the information! Copy and paste the link into a new tab!
Important BarTender Printer Settings
Upon creation of a new BarTender Template it is important that certain print settings are adjusted correctly. The Default settings often do not achieve acceptable print quality when printing to nursery stock. This guide will walk you through the process...
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