Get $400!

Find the luck of an Irish Leprechaun and Get a Pot of Gold Worth $400-$500 and

Color labels boost sales by up to 90% over black and white thermal transfer printed labels.

WestHort's modified Epson label printer prints eye-catching, full-color label designs -- even on THICK potstakes, tree wraps and unusually shaped labels like long-necked hanging basket tags. Printed on WestHort's environmentally-friendly labels and the gift keeps on giving. No other nursery printer on the market can do what this printer can do!

Here's how the rebate works:

  1. 1. Buy WestHort's modified Epson On-Demand-Color Nursery Printer.
  2. 2. Download Epson's rebate form.
  3. 3. Fill out the form with the serial number of the replacement printer and your new WestHort printer.
  4. 4. Double-check that you've followed all instruction including what's in the small print. Epson says you should receive your rebate within 8 weeks if all instructions are followed.

That's it!

We hope you will take advantage of this generous offer from Epson.

HAPPY MARCH from WestHort!